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Another community event delivered!

Another community event delivered!

Sarah Cottrell4 May - 10:38
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LCFC's Active Women try netball taster

Hawks delivered another community netball event this week, taking time out to offer a netball taster session to the wonderful women in the ‘Leicester City in the Community Active Women’ group.

As part of our 20 Community Events pledge, Hawks have been determined to bring netball to new parts of our community this season, offering free taster sessions to introduce our sport to new audiences.

Hawks volunteers Tilly and Jenny ran the session which was hugely well received. Many of the women had not played since school, but were super excited and inspired after the session, asking our coaches if they could come back or pass on details of further netball opportunities.
“I loved it”
“That’s put me on such a high”

We’re really glad to have offered another part of our community a chance to experience netball in their own familiar environment - we recognise that sometimes joining a new session/club can be daunting so the women in the Active Women programme had a great time when we brought the netball to them!

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